Yefremenkova Catherina took the fifth place in all-round in the championship Europe

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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Pesnya Vladimir Russian short-trekistka Yefremenkova Catherina became a heel in all-round in the championship Europe in Hungarian Debrecen. Yefremenkova Catherina finished the second in the superfinal on 3000 meters, having conceded only to the Italian to Fontana Arianna. The third place was taken by one more representative Italy Martina Valchepina. Yefremenkova Catherina gathered 30 points, she did not have five points to bypass Valchepina who has become the bronze prize-winner (34). Gold in all-round won to Skhyulting Suzanne from Netherlands (102), and silver - Fontana Arianna (68). Zakharova Eugenia Prosvirnova Sofya took the 11th place in all-round...
Martina Valchepina
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Yefremenkova Catherina
Pesnya Vladimir
Fontana Arianna
Skhyulting Suzanne