PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE will be left by one more key manager

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The managing director for stock market and the board member PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE Kuznetsova Anna in April will finish work in companies, the exchange on Friday, January 17 reported. The exchange does not plan to look for it replacement: these tasks will be assumed by the board member Marich Igor, the managing director for the monetary and urgent markets. "This our mutual decision with company", – commented to daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" on the leaving Kuznetsova Anna. It does not open the further plans. Except stock markets, Kuznetsova Anna are supervised at the exchange by the market of innovations and investments and department of indexes and exchange information. It came on then still...
Kuznetsova Anna
Marich Igor
Denisov Youri
PJSC Moscow Exchange
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