LLC "Rusfinans bank" gave out 23 thousand of soft loans

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LLC "Rusfinans bank" resumed delivery of car loans according to the First <10> Car and Family <10> Car programs. Implementation of state programs started on January 1 on former conditions: the privilege is available upon purchase in credit the new car worth up to 1 million rubles. "State programs effectively affect the car lending market and remain the main driver supporting sales of new cars in Russian Federation. The preferential credits are in a great demand for our borrowers. So, last year bank gave out about 23 thousand of credits according to state programs for total amount more than 11,8 billion rubles. In top-5...
Sergei Nikolaevich Ozerov
Last position: Chairman of the board (LLC Rusfinance Bank)
Aleksey Borodavin
Last position: Director of the department of car loans (LLC Rusfinance Bank)
LLC Rusfinance Bank
Main activity:Finance