"You see how society" changes: Valeeva Zilya is unanimously elected the chairman of OP RT

@Kazanskij reporter
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In State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan started meeting where all heads of Civic chamber will be approved. Just the director Publicly funded national institution "Museum preserve "Kazansky Kreml" Valeeva Zilya was unanimously elected the chairman of chamber. On a post on behalf of council of OP RT of last convocation it was offered by Gafiatullin Mounir. In the performance Valeeva Zilya told that she has no other ambitions, except as "to be useful, effective in work of Civic chamber of RT". "You see how society changes, it is very important to involve power of civil society in this dynamics", - added Valeeva Zilya. Vice-chairmen...
Anastasia Isaeva
Last position: The deputy, the vice-chairman of Committee on Education, to culture, science and ethnic questions, the member of the commission on control of realization of state programs in the health care sphere (State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Rafil Nugumanov
Last position: Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan of the fifth convocation (State Council Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Valeeva Zilya
Gafiatullin Mounir
Kadyrov Timur