The scout told about the first general fight of the Soviet and Polish guerrillas

@RIA Novosti
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The scout told about the first general fight of the Soviet and Polish guerrillas Moscow, 16 January - information agency "RIA Novosti". The first joint fight of the Soviet and Polish guerrillas with Hitlerites in years happened in the middle of May, 1944 in the town of Ilza in, the participant of that fight, the legendary scout, Hera told in interview of information agency "RIA Novosti" to Russia. At that time Botyan Aleksey ordered prospecting and diversionary group which had to pave way for coming Red army. As Botyan Aleksey, in May, 1944 when its group left to the area of the Krakow voivodeship, the commander of one of groups of Army of Lyudova remembers...