Historians gave the reviews of the movie "Rescue Union" of 2019

@Pronedra.ru — novosti TEK
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In a wide release there was a new Russian movie "Rescue Union". He tells about historical events of the Russian state, but whether there is in it a history. On December 26 (on new style) 1825 to Russian Federation there was a revolution attempt. Speech of soldiers and officers on Senate Square in Saint Petersburg during the oath to the new emperor Nikolay was suppressed on the same day, but Russian Federation had huge impact on further history. The new movie "Rescue Union" also is devoted to this historical event. All outstanding figures are shown to "noble opposition" in the new movie, aspiring...
Pavel Priluchny
Last position: Actor
Ingeborga Dapkunayte
Last position: Actress
Wladyslaw Vetrov
Last position: Actor, director, screenwriter
Sofya Ernst
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Konstantin Lvovich Ernst
Last position: Director general of the First channel (JSC Channel One Russia)
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