Пермские инсайды

Об угрозе МВД, кандидате Решетникова в Госдуму и конфликте в семье вице-мэра. Выпуск...
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Maxime Reshetnikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
Roman Aleksandrovich Koksharov
Last position: Minister, Deputy Prime Minister (Ministry of Territorial Development of the Perm Territory)
Dmitry Samoylov
Main activity:Official
Aleksey Zolotarev
Last position: Director of the Perm branch (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM GAZORASPREDELENIYE PERM")
Roman Mikhaylovich Vodyanov
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)