Hockey. Kutuzov Vitaly debuted in the amateur championship Minsk for team Vadim Skripchenko and Ian Aleksandrovich Tigorev

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The Belarusian football player known in the past Kutuzov Vitaly debuted in the 19th amateur championship Minsk on hockey. On December 27 he played for the EWOKI team which won "Bison" with the score 5:1. Kutuzov Vitaly was dozayavlen on December 24. In one team with it other known football players act also: Ian Aleksandrovich Tigorev, Vadim Skripchenko, Vitaly Shepetovsky. It is possible to examine structure here. After a match Kutuzov Vitaly shared impressions of a debut, having published a post in website "Instagram" with the prize image to the best player of a match. "Thanks, was cheerful. There is still a gunpowder in powder flasks" — Kutuzov Vitaly wrote...