To Morocco a series of actions for development mutually beneficial cooperation with Moscow] took plac

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On December 16-18, 2019 Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of the city of Moscow carried out a number of actions to Morocco which purpose is forming of interregional cooperation, partnership strengthening about Morocco and the organization of joint projects in the field of city developments, economy, cultures and tourism. As the partner in substantial carrying out actions FUND "ROSKONGRESS" acted...
Andrey Tsybenko
Last position: Consul general (Consulate-general of the Russian Federation in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco)
Roman Chukov
Last position: Chairman of the board (FUND "CENTER MEZHDUNARODNOGO PRODVIZHENIYA")
Alexander Stuglev
Last position: Director (FUND "ROSKONGRESS")
Cheremin S. Ye.
Cheremin Sergei