On a chamber scene Youth theaters of M. Karim the premiere of New Year's performance] took plac

@Respublika Bashkortostan
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1 of 12 Today, on December 20, the National youth theater of M. Karim opened a holiday marathon of New Year's performances. On a chamber scene passed premier displays of statement "New Year's revolution" according to Pichurin Oleg. Over performance worked the director – the art director of NMT of M. Karim, the honored worker of arts of Belarus, the winner of the State republican youth award of Sh. Babich Kulbaev Musalim , the artist – Bakirov Iskander, the choreographer – Rodionov Alexander, the composer – the honored worker of arts of Belarus Yakhin Ilshat. "Certainly, the Youth theater is called...
Linar Akhmetvaliev
Last position: Actor (Gbukiya NMT RB named after M. Karima)
Pichurin Oleg
Kulbaev Musalim
Bakirov Iskander