Soccer. Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko left "Isloch"

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The Belarusian defender Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko left "Isloch". The term of contract with club expired the football player, the press service of "wolves" notes. Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko supported "Isloch" since 2016 — a debut season for "wolves" in the highest league which appeared the most productive for the football player. Then Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko became the best goal-scorer of "Islochi" and it was recognized as the best player of a season in a line-up. Season-2016 Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko won back on a position of the halfback, and the subsequent three — in defense. In total for "Isloch" the player played 108 matches, scored 6 goals and gave 6 transfers...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Shagoyko
Last position: Soccer coach