To Skolkovo passed investment club Public organization "Delovaya Russia"

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On December 12 Skolkovo passed joint meeting of an asset of investment club Public organization "Delovaya Russia" with the management of the Cluster of power effective technologies Fund "Skolkovo". As the moderator of action the sopredsedetel Public organization "Delovaya Russia" Nedoroslev Sergei acted. Members of a general council took part in meeting Public organization "Delovaya Russia" Romanov Sergei, Gorkunov Boris, Pisarevskaya Irina, Vyacheslav Reshetnik, Danielyan Ashot, Shatrov Aleksey, Cherepanov Denise, Bulgakov Nicholas, Silin Igor. The senior vice-president of Fund "Skolkovo" on innovations Kirill Kaem opened meeting. He told participants...