@Moskovskaja pravda
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On December 19 and 20 State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky akademichesky theater im. Vl. Mayakovskogo" invites to "A scene on Sretenka" admirers of the director Mindaugas Karbauskis who will present to the prime minister of the performance "Yoknapatofa" – the scenic version of the novel Folkner William "While I died". Scenography Mitrofanova Maria, costume designer Danilova Maria. Mindaugas Karbauskis for the first time addressed to the novel "When I Died" in 2004 at Theatre under the direction of...
Yevdokiya Germanova
Last position: Actress
Igor Marychev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Igor Yevtushenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")