The creditor of "E4 Group" demanded to collect about Mikhail Abyzov and his partners of 34 billion rubles

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SUPTR-10 "E4 Group" submitted the statement of claim to Arbitral tribunal of the city of Moscow to the founder the engineering companies to Mikhail Abyzov and to two of her employees. As appears from definition of vessels (.pdf), SUPTR-10 demands to collect 34 billion rubles from "E4 Group". The former minister "Open governments" Mikhail Abyzov is in a pre-trial detention center, washing of money, fraud and creation of criminal community is incriminated to it. SUPTR-10 is one of creditors of the "E4 Group", declared bankrupt in 2016. Except mister Mikhail Abyzov demand to attract Andrey Borisovich Malyshev and Sirotenko Catherina...