"Adelaide", "Tree" and "Generation of yard keepers" - about what these songs Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov?

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After an exit of an album "Children of December" Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov, at last, received that desired "top" about which sang in the song "Eye". With coming to power of Gorbachev the relation of the state to rock music became more loyal. To pass to the fourth part statyiiz all Leningrad rock club the AQUARIUM received first powerful "promotion" in the Soviet mass media. I think, this choice was not casual — BG looked the lovely intelligent person, his songs of that period seemed ideologically harmless, and all these "pseudoclassical" string arrangements more or less fitted into an esthetics of the Soviet platform. In...
Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov
Last position: Leader of the rock group "Aquarium"
Andrey Tropillo
Main activity:Show business personality
Kussul Alexander
CK "Yubileyny"
Firm "Melodiya"