The State Committee delegation on work with diaspora Azerbaidjan visited with working visit Russian Federation

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On November 25-27, 2019 working visit to Russian Federation delegations headed by the chairman of the State committee on work with diaspora Azerbaidjan Muradov Fuad took place. About it reports Day.Az with reference to the message of embassy Azerbaidjan to Russian Federation. During visit meetings with the deputy minister of foreign affairs Russian Federation by Rudenko Andrey, the head Federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad and on International humanitarian cooperation were held...
Eleonora Mitrofanova
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy of the Russian Federation in Republic of Bulgaria)
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Chernov
Last position: The head of department of the President on interregional and cultural ties with foreign countries (Administration office President The Russian Federation on interregional and cultural ties with foreign countries)
Ilyas Umakhanov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Muradov Fuad
Rudenko Andrey