In Krasnodar City Council - light and knowledge

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Construction schools and kindergartens, end of the program for replacement of elevators and problems of street lighting was discussed by deputies on a planning meeting in the Duma. It was conducted by Galushko Vera. We want to study! Measures for strengthening and development material base of educational and preschool institutions submitted for discussion on an initiative of the mayor Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov and the chairman of City Council Galushko Vera. Now in work very large number of social objects. And the director of the department of constructions Aganov Artem in detail told City administration? .
Eugenie Alekseevich Pervyshov
Main activity:Official
Vyacheslav Burenok
Last position: Deputy of City Council of Krasnodar of the 6th convocation
Sergei Fisyuk
Last position: Deputy of City Council of Krasnodar of the VI convocation (Krasnodar City Council)
Galushko Vera
Aganov Artem
City administration
Government Agency