Энергетическое сердце региона - компания «Колымаэнерго» - отпраздновала золотой юбилей

50 лет назад был подписан приказ о создании управления строительства «Колымагэсстрой» в составе «Вилюйгэсстроя...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «KOLYMA-INFORM» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vladimir Alekseevich Pekhtin
Last position: Director general (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LENGIDROPROYEKT")
Leonid Murin
Last position: The deputy, the Member of the committee on social policy, the Member of the committee on economic development, the budget and taxes. (Magadan regional Council)
Andrey Konstantinovich Zykov
Last position: Deputy (Magadan regional Council)
Sergei Abramov
Last position: Chairman (Magadan regional Council)
Frishter Youri