On the thirteenth of November, in the World day of kindness, in Sverdlovsk SOSh of M. Marchenko the lake Losino-Petrovsky there took place an action "That such kindness? "

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On the thirteenth of November, in the World day of kindness, in Sverdlovsk SOSh of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Marchenko the lake Losino-Petrovsky there took place an action "That such kindness? ". The pupil of 1-8 classes showed social rollers about kindness and helps to people, and pupils of 9-11 classes took part in discussions and a flash - mobe. Children made the decision as often as possible to help people around, and in any situation to try to be kind and sympathetic. According to the press service of administration of the lake Losino-Petrovsky %23inlosinopetrovsk %23osen2o19%23vkurse2o19%23gorodskiyevesti %23budvkurse %23sobytiyaPodmoskovya %23vsetilp %23IvanKurdanin...