Area Voznesensky's Administration of the municipal district Voznesensk of the Nizhny Novgorod region cleaned a reservoir at the request of locals through a social network

@NIA Nizhnij Novgorod
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Area Voznesensky's Administration of the municipal district Voznesensk of the Nizhny Novgorod region Nizhny Novgorod Region cleaned a reservoir at the request of locals who addressed to the authorities through a social network of social network "VKontakte" ". Reputable administration. Down the street Field today cut off trees, and the cut-off bushes left in a sazhalka and refused to clean. In that reservoir in the winter kids skate. That for a mess such. Unpunished such action should not remain", - the user of a social network wrote. Having received this message, the administration liquidated a dump in a reservoir and published the photoreport on the done work...