In Orenburg tours the Bashkir academic theaters dramas of M. Gafuri] came to the en

@Respublika Bashkortostan
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1 of 2 on a scene the Orenburg state regional drama theaters of M. Gorky passed From November 2 to November 4 acquaintance of the Orenburg public to performances the Bashkir academic theaters dramas of M. Gafuri. Anniversary tours took place within the All-Russian interregional theatrical program "Big Tours". Bashdrama's group presented on court the audience three brightest statements: to the prime minister of this season "Kidnapping of the girl" (according to Karim M., the director Kazakbaev I.), the melodrama "Happiness Price" (Mudarisova Kh., cut an isser Abushakhmanov A.) with legendary actors Gafarov Fidan...
Nuria Irsaeva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Karim M.
Kazakbaev I.
Mudarisova Kh.
Abushakhmanov A.