To the known actors who have arrived to Saratov on a children's film festival, handed over the Saratov kalatch

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In Saratov from November 5 to November 8 will pass the VI open festival competition of children's and junior cinema "Kinovertikal". Today in the historical building Theatre for Young Audience on Volskaya the briefing devoted to this event, with participation of the regional Minister of Culture Garanina Tatyana and the Russian actors — Pegova Irina and Vyacheslav Chepurchenko took place. It is noted that this year the festival is devoted to memory of the known Russian actor theaters and cinema of the national actor of the USSR Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky. To guests specially will show movies with participation of the actor, removed in the years of his work at the Saratov drama theater. Garanina Tatyana...