The swimmer Anton Mikhaylovich Chupkov won at the World Cup stage

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EPA B Kazan there passes the World Cup stage A World Cup on swimming. The Russian swimmer Anton Mikhaylovich Chupkov won at a distance of 100 meters a breast stroke. The victory to Chupkov was brought by result of 94 seconds. On the second place the Dutch Kamming Arnaud (58,98), the third became the Japanese Yasukhiro Koseki (59,23). From women at a distance of 200 meters with a breast stroke all pedestal was occupied by the Russian sportswomen. The victory with result of 2 minutes 24,10 seconds was won by Maria Temnikov. On the second place Darya Chikunova (2.24,56), Vitalina Simonov (2.28,32). Nikitin Anton took the second place at a distance of 400 meters freestyle, having overcome...