Started the first in Russian Federation film competition about the modern art

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Today in Moscow started the first in Russian Federation competition modern short Russian cinema about "ART RUSSIA FILM" art. Organizers competitions act project KARO.ART – the special project of a network of movie theaters as "KARO" with unique repertoire policy and the organizing committee of fair of the modern art of ART RUSSIA which will take place in Gostiny dvor from February 20 to February 23, 2020. Competition "ART RUSSIA FILM" is a unique event in cultural life Russian Federation. Competition is carried out for the purpose of support to talented cinematographers, creative youth, promotion of the Russian art and...
Oleg Filipchik
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Mishin Dimitri
Khositashvili Georgy
Gorbov Maxime
Frolova Elizabeth
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