Soccer. Karrer Massimo and Dzhennaro Gattuzo apply for a post of the head coach of "Usinese"

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The former trainer of "Spartak" Karrer Massimo and the ex-helmsman of "Milan" Dzhennaro Gattuzo are included in the list of applicants for a post of the coach of "Usinese". The Friuliysky club can dismiss soon Tudor Igor. As replacement to it Dzhennaro Gattuzo, Francesco Gvidolin, Pasquale Marino and Stefano Kolantuono are considered Karrer Massimo. In the current season of "Usinese" after 10 matches gathered 10 points and takes the 14th place in a series "A" — reports" Sport News Agency "R-Sport"...
Dzhennaro Yvan Gattuzo
Main activity:Official
Karrer Massimo
Tudor Igor