New anti-hero? Eugenie Malkin abuse for the passport of United States of America, but many athletes have it

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In the hockey world ripened new scandal — mass media were learned about existence of the American passport from the Russian player of "Pittsburgh" by Eugenie Malkin. The criticism instantly fell upon the hockey player... But after all it not the first and not the last! We remember athletes who else has the American passport and who from them was exposed to criticism. The native Magnitogorsk Eugenie Malkin since 2006 lives to United States of America and Pittsburgh Pingvinz" acts for Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz", engaged in the business project Eugenie Malkin, told about existence at the forward of the American nationality — and...
Maria Sharapova
Last position: Co-owner
Eugenie Malkin
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz")
Pawel Bure (Russkaya raketa)
Last position: President of the International league of legends of world hockey
Viacheslav Fetisov
Main activity:Politician
Irina Rodnina
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)