In Bashdramteatre "Mistress": performance of ten-year prescription returned on a scene

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Display will take place today on the Small scene the Bashkir theaters the opera and the ballet at 19:00. The Bashkir academic theater dramas of M. Gafuri prepared the performance "Mistress" on works Minnullin Tufan. It is some kind of remake, whether as the first display was in 2009 and was called "Guilty to love? ". But for some reason statement fell into oblivion and here almost in 10 years again comes back to a scene. The eternal story about love will be told by star structure theaters – Gafarov Azamat, Galina Alsu, Nuria Irsaeva, Siraeva Mylena, Gazetdinova Ilsiyar, Kunakbaev Arthur, Bayzigitov Sagidulla and others. As well as 10 years...
Nuria Irsaeva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Minnullin Tufan
Gafarov Azamat
Galina Alsu
Siraeva Mylena