Mishina Tatyana: Fourfold Lutz who at all associates with Scherbakova, Andrey Lazukin does better and stabler, than a threefold axel

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On Friday in Kelouna starts the second stage of a series of the Grand Prix of a season-2019/20 – Skate Canada. In man's single driving Russian Federation will be represented only by Andrey Lazukin. Other Russian, Mikhail Kolyada, because of problems with health acted from competitions. 21-year-old Andrey Lazukin unsuccessfully began a new season. On Lombardia Trophy Andrey Lazukin became the 12th (168.54 points), at the first stage of the Cup Saint Petersburg – the third (226.95 points), on Finlandia Trophy – only to the seventh (203.91 points). Mishina Tatyana in which group Andrey Lazukin trains, in conversation with the correspondent "Sports Day after day" told that does not suffice...