Mother left for a minute: the two-year-old kid fell from a window from height of the third floor

@Malen'kaja Syzran'
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State of emergency happened in Staraya Kulatka district, in 70 km from Syzran, on October 23. The two-year-old kid was at home together with mother. At some instant the woman for a while left the room, the child got on a window sill and dropped out of an apartment window on the third floor. As reported in the press service of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ulyanovsk region, the child took to regional hospital in Old Kulatka with multiple injuries. On this fact the police carries out an inspection. It materials will be sent to Novospassky interdistrict investigation department Investigation department Investigative committee The Russian Federation on Ulyanovsk region and the regional commission on affairs of minors...