RID published a short list of the special nomination "The Best Independent Director"

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The short list of the special nomination "The Best Independent Director", annual rating TOP-1000 of the Russian managers is published on a site the Russian institutes directors (RID). The winner in the special nomination "The Best Independent Director" will be declared by N and a ceremony of rewarding of winners "TOP-1000 the RUSSIAN MANAGERS" on November 7, 2019 at State budget cultural institution Moscow "MMT "Gelikon-opera" (Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya St., 19/16). For vote the short list from 10 candidates of the nomination "The Best Independent Director" of the award "TOP-1000 RUSSIAN MANAGERS" is created. Members of councils are presented to the nominations...
Oleg Vyugin
Last position: Chairman of the supervisory board, Independent director (PJSC Moscow Exchange)
Tobi Trister Gati
Last position: Member of the committee on strategy, investments and sustainable development of Board of Directors (PJSC Lukoil)
Rodger Mannings
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee on a personnel and remunerations of Board of Directors (PJSC Lukoil)
Pavel Grachev
Last position: Independent director (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FSK YEES")
Youri Lvovich Levin
Last position: Managing director
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
Main activity:Wholesale trade
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
PJSC Aeroflot
Main activity:Transport
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining