The Hollywood actress and the person of the house of Dior Jennifer Shreyder Lourens married

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The Hollywood actress Jennifer Shreyder Lourens married the director of art gallery Maroni Cook. 29-year-old Jennifer Shreyder Lourens, telling about the groom, called him the best person on light. About the 34-year-old elect of the actress it is known that he is the art director of Gladstone gallery in whom works of such known modern artists and sculptors as Barni Matthew, Carroll Dankhem, Prins Richard and Anish Kapoor are presented. It studied history of arts at University State of New York. The actress addressed to the known organizer of weddings Mark Cyd and together with it made the saturated menu for a banquet: the smoked pork...
Emily Jean Stone (Emma Stone)
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Jennifer Shreyder Lourens
Last position: Actress
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University State of New York