In Ivanov the kickboxing Center] opene

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In Ivanov the kickboxing Center It opened earned since October 20 on the basis of the city Center "Prityazheniye". City administration the first deputy of chapter Vladimir Borisovich Piguta, the deputy Ivanovo City Council Igor Klygin, the Assistant to the President LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC Mintsev Andrey, the chairman boards of directors construction holdings "KSK" Shibaev Sergei. As the president of federation of a kickboxing told Ivanovo Region Aleksey Pavlovich Klevtsov, in this sport in the region are engaged...
Aleksey Pavlovich Klevtsov
Last position: Head of the municipal area (Administration of the municipal district Kochubeyevsk of the Stavropol Territory)
Vladimir Borisovich Piguta
Last position: First deputy head (Administration of Ivanovo)
Igor Klygin
Main activity:Politician
Mintsev Andrey
Shibaev Sergei