The teacher – "guide" for the rest of life, the actor, the person with a God's spark in soul. What deputies Oblastnaya duma think of a profession of the teacher?

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On the eve of the International Teachers' Day deputies told Belgorod region duma about the vision of a teaching profession, even it is possible to tell, missions – to learn, and congratulated pedagogical community of the region on a holiday...
Youri Ivanovich Selivyorstov
Last position: Head of the department (BGTU named after V. G. Shukhova)
Vladimir Kulikovsky
Main activity:Field expert
Svetlana Masyutenko
Last position: The director of municipal authority of social service of system of social protection of the population of the Veydelevsky area "The social and rehabilitation center for minors"
Alexander Turyansky
Last position: The member of the committee of region duma by the legislation and local government (Belgorod regional Council)