Technologies: Pure thermonuclear reaction: why 35 countries build the biggest in the world the thermonuclear reactor

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The meeting of chapters of United States of America and the USSR in 1985 presented to the world one of the most ambitious technological projects: Reaktor ITER ("way"). In Provence, in the south France, thousands scientists and builders prepare a complex for the scientific experiments, capable to open to mankind road to thermonuclear power plants of the future. Thermonuclear synthesis excites long ago minds. In theories, such power plants can be four times...
Mikhail Gorbachev
Main activity:Official
Krasilnikov Anatoly
Artsimovich Leo
General Fusion Inc.
Main activity:Science and education
TAE Technologies, Inc.
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials
National Ignition Facility
Technology creator:Layman Spittser