«Арсенал» покуражился в игре с «Ноттингем Форест»

«Арсенал» получил путёвку в четвёртый раунд Кубка английской лиги...
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Unai Emery Echegoyen
Last position: Head coach (Football club "Aston Villa")
Ektor Belyerin
Main activity:Athlete
Tobiash Pereyra Figeyredu
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Nottingem Forest")
Yuri Oliveira Ribeyru
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Legiya")
Albert Dankva Adoma
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Kuinz park Reyndzhers")
FC "Nottingem Forest"
Main activity:Culture and sports