The new party of the ex-prime minister of Mattheo Rentsi caused the mixed reaction of the Italian politicians

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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To Italy the exit of the former prime minister of the country and the leader of democrats Mattheo Rentsi from Democratic party and creation of the party "Live Italy" (Italia Viva) by it is actively discussed...
George Meloni
Last position: Chairman (Council of ministers Italy)
Pier Luigi Bersani
Main activity:Politician
Silvio Berlusconi
Main activity:Politician
Matteo Renzi
Last position: Senator of Italy from Tuscany (Senate Italy)
Prodi Romani
"Forza Italia"
Political ideology:Conservatism, conservative liberalism, Christian democracy, right populism.
Bratya Italy
Political ideology:Italian nationalism, national conservatism, Euroscepticism.
Yevropeyskaya commission
Government Agency