The tour program Festival Gold Mask began in Petrozavodsk with Ostrovsky's play

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Ahead the performance "Old House" with Yakovleva Helena. Here the best performances of the Karelian theaters: "Garden" and "Cinderella". To our public the director Kama Mironovich Ginkas which came to Petrozavodsk at the beginning of September with performances of the Moscow Theatre for Young Audience was surprised. It could not believe that the Karelian audience is ready to see guest performances without interruption practically. Meanwhile, tickets for statements of participants of "Big tours" and Festival Gold Mask any more were not long before the beginning of displays. (We will notice that in orchestra seats the cost of tickets was from 1500 to 3000 rubles)...
 Anna Kovalyova
Last position: Actress (RAMT)
Vladimir Nikolaevich Pankov
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Center dramaturgii i rezhissury")
Kalman Mironovich Ginkas
Last position: Theatrical director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Mtyuz")
Alexander Grishin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Mikhail Shklovsky
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Main activity:Culture and sports