The astronaut confirmed an emergency situation when landing "Union"

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The Russian astronaut Oleg Kononenko confirmed that at return to Earth to ISS of the piloted ship "MS-11 Union" in June there was an emergency situation. "Really, after working off of a brake impulse before an entrance (ship) to the atmosphere passed the message on refusal of one of collectors orientation and mooring engines", – quotes information agency "RIA Novosti" Oleg Kononenko. According to him, the situation was not critical. As all systems in the ship are redundant, the system automatically passed to a reserve collector. "We entered in the necessary orientation the atmosphere and mudflows quietly...
Oleg Kononenko
Last position: Instructor-astronaut-tester (Federal state-financed institution "Institute for scientific research TSPK named after Yu. A. Gagarina")
Makkleyn Anne Sharlott
Main activity:Field expert
Davide Sen-Zhak
Main activity:Field expert