Вручение премии "Хрустальная Турандот" впервые пройдет во дворце Юсуповых

Вручение премии "Хрустальная Турандот" впервые пройдет во дворце Юсуповых...
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Youri Abramovich Bashmet
Last position: Artistic director, chief conductor ("Orkestr "Novaya Russia")
Catherina Simonov
Last position: Actress, director (Theater named after Eugenia Vakhtangova)
Vadim Simovich Eylenkrig
Last position: Head of the department of jazz music of faculty of world musical culture (Federal state-funded educational institution of higher professional education GKA named after Maymonida)
Belenky Boris
Zadorozhny Vadim