"Putinka" will pour down from regions

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The overload of own capacities compels producers of vodka to agree about release of products with other enterprises. So, Putinka the All-terrain vehicle" JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MOSKOVSKY FACTORY "KRISTALL" is no time one of the most popular vodka Wheat brands and a ruler "will start spilling "Bashspirt". Contract will allow state company to come to federal level after one of the main competitors "Tatspirtprom"...
Arkady Rotenberg
Last position: CEO (Fund "SKD "Yavara-Neva")
Stanislas Yanovich Kaufman
Last position: Creative director of the agency (LLC "Agency Kaufman")
Vadim Drobiz
Last position: Director of the Center of researches federal and regional markets of TsIFRRA alcohol
Melnikov Valery
Nugumanov Rauf
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water