" State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" notified Russian Federation on claim because of the Crimean assets

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 28 Aug – information agency "RIA Novosti". The operator of the integrated power system Ukraine "State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" notified Russian Federation on transfer to arbitration court requirements in dispute concerning the lost assets of companies in Republic of Crimea in 2014, reported in the press service of companies". State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" demand compensation for allegedly violation by Russian Federation the agreement between the countries about encouragement and mutual protection of investments of 1998 and for "illegal expropriation of investments" State enterprise national energy company "Ukrenergo"" in Republic of Crimea and violations of the obligation to guarantee full and unconditional legal protection"...
Vsevolod Kovalchuk
Main activity:Official
Mikhail Voskresensky
Last position: Head of the department of a special piano (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
State enterprise NEK "Ukrenergo"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water