В Бурятии четыре района выбирают глав через конкурс

@Novaja Burjatija
Второй год в республике идет процесс замены прямых выборов глав районов на проведение конкурсов. Как...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «New Buryatia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Youri Ivanovich Baev
Last position: Chief (Department of Transportation, Road Activity and Communication of the Tomsk region)
Svetlana Shabarshova
Last position: Head (Municipal state institution municipal entity administration Tarbagatai district)
Vladimir Alekseevich Tolstov
Last position: Co-owner (Public organization veterans of war in Afghanistan and other military conflicts of the Alexandrov city and of the Alexandrov district)
Wladyslaw Sultimov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal entity Kurumkan district)
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Mishurin
Last position: Head (Municipal state institution Municipal entity administration Barguzinsky district)