225 deputies are elected in Rada on the multimandatory district. Preliminary list

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By 17.00 on July 22 the Central Election Commission processed 70% of electronic protocols of elections of People's Deputies in the multimandatory district (party lists). The five-percent election threshold is crossed by five political forces: "The servant of the people" – 42,68%; Политическая партия "Za zhittya" – 13,04%; "The European solidarity" – 8,41%; All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" – 8,03%; "Voice" – 6,17%. By data "A national exit poll", "The servant of the people" 44,2% of voices, at OPZZh – 11,4%, at "Evrosolidarnosti" has 8,8%, at […] Daily news...
Youri Boyko
Last position: Party leader (Political party "Oppozitsionnaya platforma—Za zhizn")
Victor Medvedchuk
Last position: Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
Nicholas Leonidovich Skorik
Last position: People's Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
Petro Poroshenko
Last position: Chairman of the party ("Solidarity")
Moustafa Abduldzhemil Dzhemilev
Main activity:Politician
Политическая партия "За життя"
Political ideology:Social democracy, Social liberalism
All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland"
Political ideology:Liberal conservatism, euroatlanticism