Сборная России взяла 12 медалей в очередной соревновательный день Европейских игр, всего у россиян 93 награды

@Match TV
В Минске состоялся девятый соревновательный день Европейских игр...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «TV match» , more details in our Terms of Service
Davide Belyavsky
Last position: The professional athlete on artistic gymnastics (FSGR)
Angelina Melnikova
Last position: The professional athlete on gymnastics
Khariton Agrba
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing (Boxing federation Russia)
Eugenia Augustinas
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Eugenia Kosetskaya
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on badminton (NFBR)