Miscellaneous. European games. The schedule of performances of Belarusians for June 23: Kholodovich Tatyana, Herman Elvire, Nedosekov Maxime apply for gold

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In the third day of competitions at the II European games 38 sets of medals will be awarded. Start track and field athletics competitions where in many types the Belarusian athletes are favourites. SPORTS ACROBATICS of C 16.00 till 18.15 on "Minsk Arena" of the woman and the mixed couples will award two sets of medals in the combined exercises, all-round. Belarus is represented by 5 athletes: Belyakov Arthur, Chergeyko Ilya Ivonchuk, Melnik Olga, Nabokina Veronica, Sandovich Karina. BASKETBALL 3X3 C 11.00 on "Palova Arena" will come to the end till 19.30 a group stage of competitions at men and women...
Vera Gorelikova
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo
Maxime Nedosekov
Last position: The professional athlete on easily athletics
Илья Владимирович Чергейко
Last position: The professional athlete on bullet firing
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Stadium "Dinamo"