Борис Джонсон выиграл первый тур выборов лидера тори. Но это только начало

Выборы по планам завершатся только в июле — и победитель заменит Терезу Мэй на посту премьер-министра...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ex-Press.by — News of Belarus» , more details in our Terms of Service
Boris Johnson (Boris Johnson)
Main activity:Politician
Elizabeth II (Elizabeth II)
Main activity:Politician
Theresa May
Last position: The member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Geremy Richard Strinshem Hunt
Last position: Minister (Treasury Her Majesty)
Michael Gove
Last position: Minister (Ministry for communities and local government United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Оксфордский университет
Main activity:Science and education
Cambridge university
Main activity:Science and education