Борис Джонсон поборется за пост премьера Великобритании

@100 dorog
Бывший глава МИД Великобритании Борис Джонсон дал старт своей избирательной кампании за пост лидера Консервативной партии и премьер-министра Соединенного Королевства...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «tourist information portal "100 dorog"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Boris Johnson (Boris Johnson)
Main activity:Politician
Geremy Richard Strinshem Hunt
Last position: Minister (Treasury Her Majesty)
Andrea Ledsom
Last position: Member of parliament (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Theresa May
Last position: The member of the House of Commons from Meydenkhed (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Michael Gove
Last position: Minister (Ministry for communities and local government United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)