На пост премьер-министра Великобритании претендуют 10 человек

Фаворит гонки – экс-министр иностранных дел Борис Джонсон. Его планы по Brexit вызвали резкую критику в Брюсселе...
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Boris Johnson (Boris Johnson)
Main activity:Politician
Geremy Richard Strinshem Hunt
Last position: Minister (Treasury Her Majesty)
Michael Gove
Last position: Minister (Ministry for communities and local government United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Matt John David Khenkok
Last position: Member of parliament (House of Commons United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Dominique Renni Raab
Last position: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister (Ministry justices United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Conservative Party (UK)
Political ideology:Conservatism, British unionizm, economic liberalism, Euroscepticism.
European Parliament
Government Agency