The deputy Shevchenko Marina visited children's country camp "Pine Pine Forest" in Dubna

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The deputy of Regional Duma of Moscow Shevchenko Marina examined a racetrack in the country camp "Pine Pine Forest", made on funds from its deputy fund, allocated in 2019 This summer the children's camp "Pine Pine Forest" will accept on rest of 700 children: on 185 in each of four changes. Already the first change started. Age at camp honored – 62 years. On the funds raised in Day of charitable work, last year here asphalted paths. With support of the city-forming enterprises for perimeter of the territory there was a two-meter fence put on standards and new gate...
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)
Marina Shevchenko
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee by training, to culture, science, tourism, sport and youth policy (Regional Duma of Moscow)
Maxime Nikolaevich Danilov
Main activity:Politician
Aristarkhova Tatyana
Khapaeva Tatyana
City administration
Government Agency