On an economic forum in Saint Petersburg there arrived 19 thousand guests from 145 countries

@Pervyj kanal
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Tolstoy Petr How many politicians was in modern economy, external calls are not everything that influences economic life of the country. Therefore within a forum spoke and about problems internal much. At a forum the president held a meeting with representatives of businesses at which investments and the collaboration directions were discussed. Spoke and about foreign investments...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 674
Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Anton Siluanov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Frederick Udea
Last position: Chief executive officer (Societe Generale)
Herman Gref
Last position: President, Chairman of the board (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)